Friday, May 9, 2008

Wedding Season Has Begun!!!

It's wedding season! It's officially here.. know how I can tell? I'm in the midst of my first all-nighter Friday spent with baked goods. Ah.... there is a thin layer of powdered sugar covering a five foot radius around my blenders from making sixteen batches of icing. I wonder how much of that stuff I've breathed in over the years? I'm literally waiting for paint to dry at the moment... edible gold paint. I've got another three coats to go and if you don't let it dry in between it streaks and looks awful. The gold is for a 50th anniversary cake. The wedding cake will get pearl dust painted onto it's detailing. It's going to be a cool multi-shaped number.

I work well at night. I get this burst of energy about 9pm and I'm good till sun-up if need be. I have the "single mom" work hours. It does, however, making dating rather interesting.

I can't work without music...tonight I'm dialed in to and listening to Feist, Depeche Mode, Bjork, Nicole Atkins, Prodigy, Kidneytheives, Spoon and David Bowie... if you've never heard of pandora check it out...You put in the type of bands you like and they play stuff that is similar to your choices. And if you're really bored go to Utube and search for "Keepon dances to Spoon". I want a Keepon. Anyone? so cute!

Have a great weekend!


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