Well.... the business isn't moving, but my children and myself are. We are getting the heck out of Aurora! Now my apologies if you live in Aurora and happen to like it... I don't. I feel like I'm far, far away in a distant land of beige. I look forward to being close to the shop and fun things to do with the kids. Our new digs are centrally located so client meetings will take place there once we're organized.
I'm excited about this move! It's a fresh start for the kids and I and that's been much needed. Living here has been difficult. Too many memories that have not been allowed to fade as they should. Our new home is older and has lots of trees and a cozy cabin-like feel to it. Quirky wall switches and neat hideout spaces over the closets for the kids, tons of windows and wood floors. Ahhhh... wood floors. I can't tell you how happy this makes me. There's a long hallway that I can't wait to slide down in my socks!
It's closer to the people that mean the most to me as well. Being able to meet up with mom and have a cup of coffee on a cold morning sounds delightful. My kid's dad is just a hop and a skip away so less time spent driving, more time spent playing..... and the uber wonderful boyfriend is mere minutes up the road. Now that's a lovely thought!
Being able to move before the holidays excites me. The tree doesn't have to go by the stairs because of the outlet placement any longer. The kids can hang their stockings over an actual fireplace we can roast marshmallows on. My sister and I have twice the kitchen space for our annual weekend of baking cookies and drinking vodka and coke. Yeah, you should see the last batch.... we get a little silly with the decorating! The gingerbread men from last year were quite entertaining:)
Here's to new possibilities! Now back to packing....