The hot boyfriend of doom (tm) and I trekked up to Crater and Mirror lakes last week. We spent several fabulous days together in a very small tent we had to share with a Rufus (the wondermutt). I kinda wish we were still there, although I very much enjoy sleeping in a regular bed...with the Rufus underneath it instead of sprawled across our legs.
So that whole "hey let's wait until next summer to build on" plan got modified a bit. We're still building and it'll still take place then, but we've decided to completely test our sanity by moving in together now. This means six people and one bathroom. Oh yeah baby! I think I've mentioned two of this six are teen girls? A constant hot water heater has just bumped itself up to first place on the priority list.
I have been wandering around my house trying to think of what to move first, what I can get rid of, how we will manage to do this in less than a month and how thrilled Tasha is going to be now that there will be a cat under her roof. I am certain Oreo (the cat who at least makes an attempt to like people) will totally dig all of the attention she's about to receive.
We're hoping to be done before school starts (August 19th) and I'm a bit nervous. I've got a lot of cakes to create this coming month and there's one in particular that's going to take some serious engineering and a couple of trips to the hardware store. I work well under pressure, though.... always have. Which is why I'm sitting here blogging instead of packing or baking:)
I'm rather giddy... nervous, but giddy. I keep thinking I should pinch myself. Is this really happening? I have a feeling this boyfriend of mine will continue to surprise and thrill me for many, many years to come. He's just that kind of guy... which as I've stated before, makes me one very lucky gal!
1 comment:
Hi Kelley,
I linked over from Zahra's website (a friend of JB's dad) and saw your wonderful cakes! And then the mention of Mirror and Crater Lakes took me back to when I was growing up with my family and we took summer trips to both areas. Mirror Lake was where my little sis came up with the expression of "beaver fish" just because we were fishing and a beaver just happened to go by at the same time (still fun memories).
My Mom used to decorate cakes (some 40-45 years ago) for all occassions when we were young. We were a military family and living on base and having these wonderful talents people would call on her to make promotion cakes, wedding cakes and other special occassion and we used to sit and watch her mystified at her creations. Seeing yours has brought back some very happy memories and how much we had wished we could have found all the old cake decorating items when the folks passed on a few years back.
At any rate, Kelley, I didn't mean to go on, but just wanted to tell you what a special talent I believe you have, enjoy it and TM you both look so happy.
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