This Christmas beat the pants off of last year for sure. Last year was tumultuous and I am eternally grateful that I no longer have that crap in my life... though I would like my scarf back. The kids had a blast attacking each other with their Nerf guns; Rufus was too worn out from a long night of helping Santa wrap stuff to try to eat any of them. I received a few new additions to the snowman army that made me giggle... I'm partial to the one holding a martini....???
This year was a fresh start. New house, new friends, new memories. Personally I'm often wandering around in a daze with a goofy grin on my face trying to figure out how I managed to score such an amazing boyfriend. Along with said boyfriend come two equally amazing kids and his and mine are bonding nicely. Great kids... it's obvious they are a treasure to their Dad.
My own kids are adjusting quickly to the change in scenery. A change in schools will come next fall, but neither kiddo seems bothered by the idea.
The business is full steam ahead and we're busily booking next year. At this time we're keeping our prices and menu the same... as the old saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". The prices of our supplies haven't fluctuated and that's always a good thing. Here's hoping gas prices stay low as well!
Thank you all for a terrific year!
--- oh and Ames... I LOVE my gift!!!! You are wonderful!!!! lasagna
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